After a long stint of getting to and from work by means of driving, being officially back on the bike since Monday has been utter bliss.  My purple scarf flaps gently in the wind as I listen to the sound of the city, the air rushing past my ears and the soft click of the hub while freewheeling.

What I am about to write now may sound really obvious and silly but for me it represents many things in life that one puts off until tomorrow.  So here I go.  Throwing caution into the proverbial wind!

It is much better for you and your bike if you actually ride your bike.

There it is said.

That way you keep the joints and bearings moving in your legs and in it’s wheels and in turn the cogs of your mind all nicely lubed up (the equivalent to pressing F5 to refresh a Windows webpage)

Maybe taking a break from the daily commute renewed my appreciation for it.  But I would strongly recommend never getting off your bike (except if you need to do things like work and sleep, both of which are not very practically possible on a bicycle, especially the latter) and never letting your bike be alone in your house/garage with nothing to do but collect dust.

That’s just plain cruel.

So here’s to commuting and getting out of our comfy supportive car seats to perch ourselves on a rather hard piece of plastic/metal covered in foam (for the less hardcore) and a thin layer of material/vinyl/leather!

– Kerrythe

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