Category Archives: Blog

One Gear, One Love

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to do the Cape Epic on a full-rigid, steel singlespeed, meet Max Menzies and his Mercer.

Here he is at this year’s Epic on that first gruelling hill:


This year was his fourth Epic tackled on a singlespeed but a first on this bike.

He named this baby “Scelerat” – a French word meaning villian/rogue/criminal. He says he chose that as his wife is French and it signifies his change to riding steel bikes.


This seems an appropriate choice in light of the fact that “steel is real”. And getting back to basics in their purest, simplest form is somewhat roguish. Those days before carbon, titanium and any kind of cushiony suspension. Times when riding success was measured by how blurry your vision was after rattling down a hill.

What bliss.

This is also why he opted for the brushed steel, no-paint look so as not to detract from the steel’s raw beauty.

Unfortunately, this year’s Epic on Le Scelerat was cut short by him inconveniently having a heart attack, but don’t let that put you off giving the singlespeed Epic thing a bash. Max certainly isn’t deterred. In fact, he’s acquired a bunch of extra bikes to alternate between to help him get his strength up again. He’s aiming for next year’s Epic, which Ironman USA will be sponsoring an entry for, with a development rider. Although he’d like to try that on a singlespeed he’s not sure he’ll get clearance medically (or from his wife) although we don’t see that phasing him.

In the meantime Max can be found biking, horse-riding and trail running on his home turf in McGregor every day and has plans to do the “Ride to Nowhere” and “Cape Pioneer Trek” in a couple of months.

We asked Max if he had any words of wisdom to share with fellow riders.

Staying true to his no-frills philosophy, he said:

“Heads up, don’t bother to take your camera with you, get off Strava and have fun”

We couldn’t agree more!

Let’s ride to the MAX!

But first, more pics:



There’s something a little Aussie about this one

So Luke Maga found us via the guys at BMT in Stellenbosch. Thanks for the referral guys!

This is Aussie through ‘n through.

Notice the yellow sheen peeking through the green, the pearliness in the stars and the other subtle touches, the map and a smaller hopping friend all hinting of home.  We preserved the boxing Kanga on the fork which was done by Bogus Designs. They do great work there too!

As for that Union Jack on the inside of the frame. Oh boy…

It was one of those things that took so long by the end of it we were wondering what day it was, what month, who we were, what we were doing on the planet. Even one of the most asked questions on Google (apparently) – “Why are cats afraid of cucumbers?!

It’s good to have experiences like that in our lives – it helps us realise how many questions we have that are still not answered! (you can find the answer to that last question here)

While you are pondering upon that very important subject please enjoy the pics of Luke’s lean, Aussie-green, not-cucumber machine: