Monthly Archives: August 2017

Decisions decisions

We have found quite often that when our client enters the realm of CUSTOM – having absolute freedom of choice when it comes to colour and design – they become overwhelmed and don’t really know where to start, frequently opting for the classic simplicity of matte black or varying versions of that hue (ie. lack of light).

We agree with them, yes indeed, a fine and sensible decision.  But!  We just can’t help thinking of the myriads of colours and patterns out there!  Ripe for the picking!

But a sea of possibility doesn’t help when you haven’t had a moment to think of just ONE idea of what you MIGHT like (even if it’s something seemingly silly like dancing cats holding bowls of syllabub above their heads).

This wasn’t the case with Nic.  He had some ideas for his Mercer so these were some of the options we gave him initially:

Amazing how just the simple change in location of the patterned piece alters the whole look completely.

In the end he decided on this:

And a few weeks later this beauty emerged from the spray booth:

Which option would you have gone with?

Matt’s fly ride

You know those days when you wake up and in between gulping down your coffee/lemon water/smoothie and slinging a scarf/bag/tie on jogging out the door you think to yourself, “I could really do with something new”?

Namely, a bicycle.

Well, we aren’t really sure what the thought process was behind Matt’s decision to get a new bike but after pricing around he decided that it seemed like a better idea, all round, to completely overhaul his existing one.  To strip off it’s old personality entirely.  Thorough service, new wheels, tyres, grips and a fresh coat of paint.  He wanted it to be so different that one would be forgiven for mistaking it for something else.  Another type of machine.

Namely, a plane.

So we batted a few ideas around finally deciding on this.

Behold: Santa Cruz turned Mustang